Who I am. Where I'm going.
I'm a Twitch variety caster and full Partner, and have been streaming since before Twitch was created in 2011. I originally started streaming on Justin.TV and received my partnership just before the creation of Twitch.
I live in the US and am currently working in the gaming industry as the Director of Operations & a Producer at Gears for Breakfast, a Danish Indie Developer that made A Hat in Time and is working on other projects as well.
I'm also the creator of StayHealthyBot, a Twitch bot designed to help stremers and viwers stay healthy.
Get In Touch
Contact Details
Generally the best way to contact me is via Mastodon, Twitter, or Email.
My Socials
Give me a follow and hit that bell so you know when I go live!.
Follow me on Twitter for Go Live Notifiations and to keep up with what's going on for me!
Join me on Mastodon.
Support me directly on Patreon by Pledging any amount you're comfortable with to help me pay bills or buy coffee (Supports me directly).
Humble Bundle
Support me (and a charity of your choice) directly when buying games through Humble Bundle (Affiliate link - Supports me directly).
Epic Games Store
Support me directly when buying games on the Epic Games Store! Use Creator Tag SIMON when checking out (Affiliate link - Supports me directly)!